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Yaskawa Plci driver

This driver uses the Yaskawa PLCi API to connect to a controller.


Note that the PLCi package must be installed in the PC that runs the Gateway. Can be downloaded from here.


Aside from the common parameters described in the communication_driver docs, this driver includes:

  • ip: Ip address of the Yaskawa PLC. Default = ''.

Setup data

The setup data will give values to the parameters required and will specify the I/O variables info.

    "parameters": {
        "ip": "",
    "variables": {
        "input": {
            "datatype": "byte", 
            "size": 1,
            "operation": "write"
        "output": {
            "datatype": "byte", 
            "size": 1, 
            "operation": "read"


If the variable path is not specified with the @ character, the driver will assume is a global variable and will add the prefix "@GlobalVariables.".