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Workspace settings

The workspace setting can be accessed by pressing the rightmost gear icon in the toolbar.

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This brings up the following panel. There are 4 different tabs (Server, Scene, Gateway and Logs), the settings for each tab are explained below.

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Server settings

In this tab, all settings related to the current server can be configured.


Server Version

Displays the version of the connected server.

Domain Name

Displays the domain name of the server.

Remaining Time

Displays how much time is left before the server shuts down (online servers only).

Connection Status

The status is 'Connected' when the app is able to communicate with the server.


A list of all users currently logged in on the server, the invite button enables to invite other members of the organization to the workspace.

Debug Visuals Update Interval

This setting specifies how frequently the collision visualization is updated when the function is active.


Emulation fps

Displays the update frequency of the physics engine.

Physics Load (%)

Displays how many percent of the emulation step (see description below) that the physics engine requires for each step.

Physics Steps

Displays how long time an emulation step takes to execute. It is important that the physics step is lower than the integration time, otherwise a real-time emulation is not possible.

Physics clock

Displays how long the emulation has been running. It's the same as the server time shown in the toolbar, but with higher resolution.

Node count

Displays how many nodes are currently loaded in the workspace.

Gateway Info

Displays, if the gateway is connected and the emulation is running, how many drivers are connected and how hard the gateway is loaded.


Constraint iterations

Defines the additional step iterations to carry out on constraint to increase stability.

Debug Constraints

Display physics engine joints and constraints.

Debug Contact Points

Display physics engine contact points. The contact points are visualized as yellow lines to show where collision geometries are touching.

Emulation step

Default is 0.005 seconds. Integration step time used by the physics engine, recommended value between 0.01-0.001.

Gateway interval

Server communication interval in seconds to send UPDATE to the gateway.

Global cfm

If CFM is set to zero (which is the default value), the constraint will be hard. If CFM is set to a positive value, it will be possible to violate the constraint by "pushing on it" (for example, for contact constraints by forcing the two contacting objects together). In other words the constraint will be soft, and the softness will increase as CFM increases. What is actually happening here is that the constraint is allowed to be violated by an amount proportional to CFM times the restoring force that is needed to enforce the constraint. Note that setting CFM to a negative value can have undesirable bad effects, such as instability. Don't do it.

Global erp

The ERP specifies what proportion of the joint error will be fixed during the next simulation step. If ERP=0 then no correcting force is applied and the bodies will eventually drift apart as the simulation proceeds. If ERP=1 then the simulation will attempt to fix all joint error during the next time step. However, setting ERP=1 is not recommended, as the joint error will not be completely fixed due to various internal approximations. A value of ERP=0.1 to 0.8 is recommended (0.2 is the default).


Float point resolution for values coming from the physics engine. Value between 3-6. Default 3 (1 mm resolution).

Time relation

Time relation coefficient between emulation time and real time, valid between 0.1-2.0.

Scene settings

In this tab, all settings related to the scene can be configured.

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Determines whether shadows are drawn or not. Having shadows active can have a big impact on performance. It is turned off by default. Remember that component lights only cast shadows if that option has been enabled on the lights themselves, regardless of whether this option is enabled or not.

Component Shadows

Determines whether shadows are drawn on components or not.

Environment Shadows

Determines whether shadows are drawn on the environment or not.

Component Lights


Toggles the component lights on or off.

Ambient Light


Toggles the ambient light on or off.


Determines the color of the ambient light.


Determines the intensity of the ambient light.

Directional Light


Toggles the directional light on or off.


Determines the color of the directional light.


Determines the intensity of the directional light.


Determines the position of the directional light.



Toggles the ground plane on or off.


Toggles the grid on the ground plane on or off.


Determines how many squares are distributed along each side of the ground plane. Each square is one square metre.


Determines the color of the ground plane.


Shadow Bias

Determines the bias of the shadow map from component lights. This alters how the shadows are calculated, and whether or not a particular object counts as in shadow or not. This value starts with a default of -0.0001. Altering this value may help eliminate shadow artifacts.


In this tab, all settings related to the gateway can be configured.

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Displays the version of the installed gateway.


Displays the address and connection state of the gateway.

Gateway URL

Sets the URL of the gateway.

Server IP

Sets the IP of the gateway-server.


This tab contains all available options for exporting the workspace scene and components contained within. If you want to limit what systems, assemblies or components are exported, you can simply hide them in the workspace and they will not be included.

Note that the models may be rotated when opened in another program, as not all 3D-modelling software uses the same configuration for the XYZ-axis.

Export Scene (.glb)

Exports the workspace scene to a .glb-file.


This tab displays log messages sent from the server. Black text is used for INFO messages, while red text is used for ERROR messages. Errors from behavior scripts in components will show up in red text here.

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This button clears all messages from the log.